Saturday, November 25, 2017

The Evolution of Traditional to New Media (Laboratory)

"The Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."
                           -Lao Tzu
A Timeline of my exposure to traditional and new media 
My journey towards media became a bumpy one with its ups and downs. I've felt all kinds of emotion while experiencing and being exposed to different kinds of media. It aided me in becoming an individual that's been provided with information. An information that is ought to be shared  and propagated through people.  Through the years, I have enjoyed every footstep I took in exploring media. Drowning my self in the revels of discoveries that provides leisure and knowledge. My one step of exposure to media then became a journey of a thousand miles realizing that media is more than media. In fact media is a medium of cultivation, conveyance and expression. And through my exposure from my toddler to my 16-year-old-self, I have realized that media is ought to be honed and developed in order for people to survive in this modern day.

Below is the link of my timeline of exposure to traditional and new media
*For better viewing, kindly click the 3D button on the left side of the timeline.

Internet of Things as Theory of Media and Information

a) In your own words, define the Internet of Things
         >The Internet of Things is basically almost all items that is inserted with electronics that composes of softwares, sensors, network connectivity etc. that enables these items to connect and exchange data. In short it is every things  that would and be possibly advanced 
through connections.

b) What brought this theory about?
   > What brought this theory about is that its goal is for making life 
simpler and easier. Having its main principle that: "Everything will be
connected can be connected."
c) Do you like the concept of IoT? Why or 
Why not?
>With all honesty, even though that IoT have some
disadvantages I still like the concept of it. The
application of this technology provides great 
comfort, convenience and management thus 
improving the quality of people's life. With this
technology, we can also save money. The utiliza
-tion of energy and resources is very efficient in 
the Internet of Things. Lastly, it saves a great 
amount of time. The interaction of the machines
provide better efficiency and the results which
is most probably accurate can be obtained very

d) In what situations do you
encounter IoT in the Philippines?
  > Situations that I encounter IoT in the 
Philippines are: When I run, I use my Fitbit watch.
It tracks my steps, kilometers I ran, calories burned and etc.
It wirelessly syncs with my phone in order to transmit my
fitness data so that I can monitor my progress. Another one is,
certain oil and gas company in the Philippines optimizes oilfield
production. They use sensors to measure oil extraction rates, temperature,
well pressures and others. And another one is in the hospitals. Last year
when I went to St.Luke's BGC. I have read a brochure about a Healthpatch
available in their hospital.It can be used for out-patient care by healthcare providers, 
letting them get ECG, heart rate, respiratory rate, skin temperature, body posture, 
fall detection, and activity readings remotely.
e) How do you think IoT
will evolve and affect
Filipino society in
the next 3 to 5 years?
>I think the IoT will evolve greatly. Technologies
would be more advanced .Though as
Peralta said, “I think the Philippines has always
 been the underdog. It has always been a country that no 
one really looks at. " I think that in the next 3 to 5 years,
we would apply and use IoTs in our daily lives.
 Some Pinoy then will have more Start-ups in the IoT
Start-ups then solve problems, not just expand.
                                                                      It would improve our economic state then. It will then
become an advantage to the Filipino society providing
a more efficient and better living for Filipinos. By
then, Filipinos will figure out the IoT, use their raw talent,
 make people aware (of it)  and in the process 
help out the Philippines.
f) What do you think is the relationship/
cause and effect of IoT in media and
information literacy.
>Media and Information Literacy can foster an attitude capable 
and aspired to demand better services. People having the critical abilities 
and communicative skills to effectively access, analyze, and evaluate information
then lead to the rapid growth in creating technologies, which has contributed to a changing media landscape, the IoT then is propagated to provide better services. The cause being: having the goal to achieve a better and more simple way of living making it through the advancements of technologies with the use of media
and information literacy. Its effect: solving problems at a massive scale due to the
demand of better services of people. By being literate in media and information, one
may be able to produce an IoT.

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